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PubMed • CiteScore 1.12 • CiteScore rank in Urology 51/97 • Index Copernicus 129.18 pts • MNiSW 14 pts • Emerging Sources Citation Index • Chemical Abstracts CAS • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts • CAB Abstracts • CrossRef • EBSCO • Google Scholar • Global Health Databases • SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library • eISSN 2080-4873 • ISSN 2080-4806
PubMed • CiteScore 1.12 • CiteScore rank in Urology 51/97 • Index Copernicus 129.18 pts • MNiSW 14 pts • Emerging Sources Citation Index • Chemical Abstracts CAS • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts • CAB Abstracts • CrossRef • EBSCO • Google Scholar • Global Health Databases • SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library • eISSN 2080-4873 • ISSN 2080-4806
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ABSTRACT SUCCESSFULLY SUBMITTEDUpon successful submission of your abstract, you will immediately see the confirmation notice on your screen, followed by the same message via e-mail. If you did not receive the following message, your abstract was not successfully submitted.
Please try again, or contact kongresptu@ptu.net.pl for assistance if you are having difficulty. The deadline for abstract submissions is 4th April, 2025 (submissions close at 11:59 pm). It is your responsibility to address questions about submissions before 4th April, 2025, so that if there is a problem, we can still help you make the submission on time.
Be sure to print and/or save the confirmation of submission notices for reference in case of a problem or question.
Check your submission for accuracyPlease check your confirmation and ensure that all of your contact information, the title of your presentation, and your summary are complete and correct, as they will be published as you have submitted them.
In particular, please ensure that your presentation title and summary statement are not truncated due to character and word limits. It is your responsibility to make the changes online or to send questions about submissions to PUA Congress Office before the deadline of 4th April, 2025, so that we can still help you make the changes or input the submission on time. Changes may not be made during or following the review period.
Communications from PUAPlease set your spam filter to accept messages from kongresptu@ptu.net.pl, biuro@ptu.net.pl and "PUAweb". PUAweb is the address of the server that sends messages from the program committee to you via our online submission and review database, so do not reply to it. Please contact PUA Congress Office (kongresptu@ptu.net.pl) if you do not receive this message in a follow-up e-mail or notifications from the program committee by the deadline dates below.
About acceptance notificationYou will receive an e-mail from PUA Congress Office regarding your abstract's acceptance status by 30 April 2025. Be sure to save your notification for reference in case of a problem or question. If you have not received an e-mail notifying you on the status of your submission by 30 April 2025, 2025, please notify PUA Office (kongresptu@ptu.net.pl or biuro@ptu.net.pl) with your name and submission ID number.
If your abstract is accepted: Notification of presentation time
If your abstract was accepted, PUA Congress Office will contact you by 12th May to provide you with the schedule, including the date and time of your presentation, the amount of time you will have to speak, and other final information and instructions. Be sure to save that information for reference in case of a problem or question.
Please plan to be available for the duration of the Congress. Due to the very large number of sessions and the number of variables that must be taken into account when planning the session schedule, it is not possible to accommodate specific requests for session time slots, (e.g., to work around a trave l schedule).
Please use your abstract ID numberPlease reference your submission number and provide your name if you need to contact PUA about your submission; this will help Headquarters staff and the Scientific Committee respond to you most quickly. Inquiries may be sent to PUA Congress Office (kongresptu@ptu.net.pl).
Presenting author registrationPresenting authors are required to register and pay fees before the Congress. You are responsible for arranging your own funding. PUA does not have funds available to pay registration or travel expenses.
Presenting author substitutionsSubstitutions for presenting authors may be made online or by e-mail (by 12th May, 2025). The substitute must be an original co-author, and will be listed as the presenting author in conference documents.
Making changes to your submissionYou will need your submission number and password if you wish to make any changes to your submission; updates will be accepted until 6th April, 2025. Changes will not be allowed after sending abstracts to reviewers, as your abstract may not be changed during or following the review period.
A note about deadlinesDeadlines will be strictly enforced in order to ensure efficient, fair, and professional management. No exceptions will be made. Please mark your calendar with important conference dates and plan so that your activities take place well before deadlines to avoid unforeseen or unavoidable delays in your schedule, to avoid technical overloads or human error caused by last-minute "traffic jams," and to give PUA Congress Office and Program Committee members time to help you if needed.
Thank you for your interest in PUA25
***Please save this information for reference.***
![]() Central European Journal of Urology (CEJU) is indexed in: PubMed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thompson Reuters), Chemical Abstracts CAS, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (ProQuest), CAB Abstracts, CrossRef, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (122.02 pts), Global Health Databases, SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library (GBL), Ministry of Science and Higher Education Index (MNiSW - 70 pts) eISSN: 2080-4873Publisher and funding institution
Polish Urological Association |
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