On-line Abstract Submission Process Begins: 12 March 2025
04 April 2025
Please follow carefully these instructions. Abstracts not prepared correctly will not be considered for presentation.
- The submission of an abstract affirms that all authors named in the abstract have agreed to its submission for presentation at the 55. Scientific Congress of the Polish Urological Association.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in a dedicated online supplement of the Central European Journal of Urology (CEJU) following to the PUA Annual Congress 2025 after being presented during the congress.
- Abstracts should be submitted on-line via the CEJU website (CEJU Publication System). Abstracts received by e-mail, on paper or by fax cannot be accepted.
- Authors may submit more than one abstract.
- Abstract should be provided in English language.
- Abstracts can be submitted as POSTER or VIDEO presentation.
- You should choose a topic category of your presentation from the list of categories and topics (see below).
- It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the abstract is in perfect order with no errors in spelling or grammar, as abstracts will not be corrected.
- Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by PUA Scientific Committee.
- Acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be notified by email to the submitting author by 30 April 2025.
- From the moment of sending abstracts to reviewers no change requests of the title, co-authors, or any others may be accepted.
- Abstract submission must be accompanied by a declaration of any potential conflict of interest for all authors, since scientific sessions are intended to focus on educational content that is free from commercial influence or bias.
- Submitted abstracts must describe unpublished work which is not already in press and which is not awaiting possible acceptance by any other society/event that publishes its proceedings.
- Presenting authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation must register for the Congress and pay the required registration fee.
- Maximum of 20 authors (including the first author) may be listed on each abstract.
- The size of the abstract is limited to 3,500 characters not including spaces. This includes title, body of abstract, tables and graphics.
- Title - should clearly define the topic and contain no abbreviations. Do not identify yourself or institution in the title.
- Authors - list the primary author's full name, followed by the other authors' names. Spell out completely the names of all authors using full first name, middle initial and last name. Point out the name of author presenting a paper.
- Affiliations - type name of institu tion, ci ty and country.
- Body of abstract - it must contain 5 separate paragraphs:
- Introduction;
- Objectives;
- Material & Methods;
- Results;
- Conclusions (it is not acceptable to state: "The results will be discussed").
Do not identify yourself or institution in the text.
- Inclusion of specific data is helpful to the reviewers.
- Indicate the major new findings of the study.
- Standard abbreviations may be used as follows: on first use spell out the full term and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses.
- Graphs and/or tables may be used; characters in graphs and tables are counted towards the overall character limit of the abstract. Tables and figures must supplement, not duplicate, the text. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. They should be sent as separate files through the Online Submission System. Tables must be submitted as PDF file. Both figures and tables should be easily understandable without reference to the main body of the article (e.g. all abbreviations used in the tables and figures should be explained in the legends). Please remember to use decimal points (not decimal commas) and provide axis labels and units wherever needed.
PUA invites video submissions of research articles, descriptions of surgical techniques and case reports of exceptional clinical value. A good quality video file with narration in English (up to 10 minutes) should be sent to the technical editor (kongres@ceju.online). An abstract must be submitted simultaneously out through Online Submission System.
Video File Requirements
Preferred Settings:
Video resolution: 480 vertical lines or better
Accepted formats: (mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, mp4, mkv, flv, wmv).
Video files larger than 1GB should be split into several episodes, each less than 1 GB.
Authors must select a category (only one) from the provided list (see below) for each abstract:
- Adrenals
- Kidney transplantation
- Stones
- Trauma
- Infectious diseases
- Prostate cancer
- Bladder tumours
- Kidney tumours
- Neurourology
- Non-neurogenic voiding dysfunction
- Female urology
- Sexual dysfunction
- Infertility
- Surgery (miscellaneous, not organ related)
- Penis / urethra / scrotum
- Pediatric urology
- Perioperative management
- History of urology
- Information technology
- Others
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Central European Journal of Urology (CEJU) is indexed in: PubMed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thompson Reuters), Chemical Abstracts CAS, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (ProQuest), CAB Abstracts, CrossRef, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (122.02 pts), Global Health Databases, SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library (GBL), Ministry of Science and Higher Education Index (MNiSW - 70 pts) eISSN: 2080-4873
Publisher and funding institution
Polish Urological Association